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Design Robotics
Start learning robotics

If you have ever wondered why it is taking such a long time for robots to go mainstream, the reason is simple: there are not enough good programmers that are able to program them. This makes clear the fact that the robotics industry is in need of good programmers today and you could be one of them. Therefore, it is not too late to start learning robotics today.

The above statement should not give you the idea that the learning curve is easy and short in robotics. The robotics world is as difficult as can be. However, with a passion to master the unknown and the complex, learning robotics should come easy even in your adult years. Given below are some reasons why you could start learning robotics right away.

It is all about innovation

If you believe that breaking grounds is the way to live life, then robotics is for you. Age does not matter in this case. The field of robotics wakes up to new finding almost every day, literally. It is a field that is pretty demanding and keeping pace would have been a more difficult task if you were any younger.

It is all about having a different perspective altogether

If you like building things, then robotics is for you. Only that you do it on a wider and much bigger scale. It gives vent to our creativity and helps you to hone your problem-solving skills. If you are in your adult years you can even learn robotics as a leisure pursuit.

It is all about fun factor and the challenge

The fun factor and the challenge of building a functional robot will give you a sense of personal accomplishment. If you built one of those robots that eventually becomes a hit, this feeling of accomplishment is going to last for a long time to come.

Dealing with robots is imminent in the future

We are soon going to live in times when we have to coexist with robots whether we like it or not. They are going to get smarter and are going to help make our lives easy. You can advance it even further if you study robotics. It doesn’t make it any easier but learning robotics will surely be easy if you are passionate about it.

The frameworks have been made easier

Programming robots that help humans to fetch packages in a warehouse and another one that helps people to carry their packages in a supermarket aisle are tough. However, recently, many frameworks that aid to simplify the programming of these robots have been created. Some of them are ROS, OROCOS, URBI and YARP. Any individual can learn these frameworks and program the robots.

Easy learning options are available

Earlier on, there was no access to robots during the learning stage. The underlying concepts were complex and too difficult to understand. The cost and availability of robots to tinker with were limiting factors for students. The documentation available was more teacher-oriented and a reference type of tutorials.

The situation is not the same now. While you may have grown older, the scenario has changed completely in recent times. You can start learning robotics by jumping into the thick of it. Resources that help you understand the concepts by being right in the middle of the robotics knowledge pool are available.

Robots are available easily and you can learn by doing on them. Many step-by-step guides are available that allow you to earn the next concept after learning the first one successfully. Platforms, where a student can learn any aspect of robot programming, are available as learning resources. Simulations of real robots such as quadcopters, Husky, Sphero, etc., are available.

Whatever your age may be, the learning options for mastering robotics are many in number today and they are easier too.

There is a structured method for learning robotics as a hobby/profession

If you know nothing about robotics but still want to pursue it as a hobby or profession, you can still learn and master the subject to the level that you want by following a structured method of learning no matter what your age is.

You can start by learning electronics, buying the requisite books, use robot kits to practice, get yourself LEGO Mindstorms (in case you have not programmed before), take part in small-time build-a-bot contests, learning from the mistakes of others, get into online forums and ask questions to get the experts’ answers, and sharing your experiences. All this requires time, but who said you are in a hurry?

Wrapping up, we have seen that with each new application that uses robots, it is becoming clear that robots are not going to replace humans but are instead helping them to reach their full potential. Therefore, the age when you start learning robotics does not really matter. All that matters is that you too will contribute to empowering humans. Go for it!


Akhil A

COO | Robot-assisted test automation on real HMI Devices | IVI | Smart Device | Touchscreens | Keypad | Avionics panel |Mobile

Comments (4)

    Ashly Jose
    April 6, 2021

    hello sir, I really am looking forward to be robotics engineer. i currently completed my bachelors in Physics. what more should i learn before I apply for my admission at a reputed university. Please give your valuable suggestions . It would mean a lot.

    Timothy Dunn Jr
    June 3, 2021

    I appreciate the up building information. Thank You.

    Richard Cooper
    October 25, 2021

    I am invoved with industrial robots, problem solvers & inovators. Robots & Robotics are here to stay. Need to learn on how to coexist.

    August 28, 2022

    Thank you so much for the above information, I think I should go for this coarse never mind my age. This sound very interesting and important

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